April 30, 2012

Life lately at our house.....

While it seems like forEVER since I blogged, it truly probably hasn't been THAT long. It seems that long. 

We really enjoyed Chris, Michelle, and Sable being here on their way to HI. We were able to do a few things with all of the kids which was very nice. We had dinner at Hu Hot one night(YUM), saw a movie, went to It'Z, ate at Red Robin and also Poblanos. 

We had Sable for a few weeks after the kids left in order for her to be able to go right to her new home when she arrived. We enjoyed having her. She is one funny, sweet, and smart puppy. :)

Michael spent Easter weekend with us and as it turned out, it was actually a wonderful weather weekend! No hiding eggs in the snow this year!

Then. Came. Flu. And man did it hit hard! Kevin started feeling bad on his birthday(not fun) and by Sunday we were sitting in the ER. He missed two days of work and probably should have stayed home a day or two longer, but well, if you know him, you know that just wasn't going to happen. By Thursday, Jason had it, but to a lesser degree. So he missed a few days of school. Both are feeling much better now and Kevin's cough is all but gone although Jason does still have some of his. Someone it decided not to take up residence in me. Thankfully.

This past weekend we ran errands and finally got to have Kevin's birthday lunch. :) 

We are having quite odd weather out here with above normal temps for over a month. Everything is green and blooming and that hasn't happened since the spring of 2001. We even broke some records a day or two. I am loving it,  personally. I love spring. Normally our spring is cold and we get the bulk of our heavy, wet snow. Not this year. We've had rain and thunderstorms and a tornado touch down near us that did some damage. 

Weight Watchers is going great for still. I made the decision when I joined again for the 3rd time that I'm in it for life this time. I've lost 15 pounds in a little under 3 months. I still have 10 to go,  but I know I'll get there. Jason and started walking each day and were really enjoying it and then the flu hit. Today we are hoping to get back into that. I am very glad as I hate the treadmill!!

Looking ahead, we have a few things planned coming up that we're excited about. Some Sky Sox games for sure, including July 4th.  About a month ago we decided that with it being Chipper's final season, we really wanted to see a Braves game live this year. We knew going to Atlanta was out, so we found when they're coming to Coors Field. This weekend as it turns out and let me tell you it is a sold out event. All 3 games. I had to get whatever I could when I got tickets and almost gave up because there were only single seats/tickets available, and then all of a sudden there were 3 seats that opened up. Someone cancel or whatever, I don't know. I didn't care. I snagged them. :) So we'll be at Coors Field this Sunday watching Chipper and the Braves. Apparently, Peyton Manning was at yesterday's Rockies game.

For now, I will close up the blog and look at today's pointing for WW. Have a great week everyone!!

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