October 22, 2012

Monday's, autumn, and politics......

Here we are half way through(well, almost half way)another Monday. This Monday thing just keeps happening every single week. I've come to realize however, that even though most of us live for Friday and the weekend, we'd never get to that point without Mondays. It still isn't my weekday friend, and some weeks I dislike it much, much more than others, but knowing it must be Monday in order to get to my beloved weekend, makes it easier. Sometimes....;)

This brings me to autumn. It really is my favorite time of year. I love the days becoming shorter and cooler. It is hard to beat a crisp, sunny morning, looking out at the peak and drinking a hot cup of coffee. This morning I noticed how quiet and still everything seemed. Most of the trees have lost their leaves and everyone's grass is covered in a thick pile of them. This too, is something I love, stepping on them and hearing that familiar crunch. Even raking them is fun and we are always so thankful that we have a home to live in with a yard that needs to be raked. I love dragging out our sweaters and scarves and such. Even sweats to wear on a snowy, cold fall day. All having been stored away for months just waiting to be looked at and worn again. Of course the totally awesome Pumpkin Spice Latte is reason enough to love this time of year. In fact, pumpkin anything is reason enough! I love watching Avery frolic out back. She absolutely loves the cooler weather and would probably live outside if not for the fact that she is a big people dog and loves her people. :) In just a week will come the first of the fall events with Halloween. I love seeing all the little kiddies all dressed up. Some barely old enough to say trick or treat. :) Then of course comes what is probably the biggest food deal event of the year. Thanksgiving. The turkey will be our centerpiece once again this year. Looking back we have had quiet Thanksgivings and noisy, crowded ones. Both have their place and both have their pros. We've even spent 3 in England. Good times. One of our most loved ones was 2010 when we had all 4 kids here and Scott and Sue. We look forward to the day all 4 kids are here, again! Then of course the hustle and bustle of the holiday season will be upon us and we'll dig out our Christmas music and start the baking and decorating. Autumn truly is such a magical time of year. Jason knows about Santa this year making it the first time in a very long time that we've tip toed around quietly on Christmas Eve! Sad? Yes, in a way, but we're excited to watch him growing up.

This then brings me to politics. I do not believe November 6th can get here soon enough. OH.MY.GOSH! First to the Obama supporters, you are not going to sway my opinion and get me to vote for him. It isn't going to happen. I am conservative. He is not. I think he is probably the worst president we have ever had. And that is saying something considering we had to endure Carter! Obamacare has GOT to go for starters. Second, to the Romney supporters, I'm already voting for him.  I am voting for him because he is the Republican running and the party at least for now, best fits into my conservative views. It doesn't mean I think he'll be a good president, it means I feel he will do a better job than Obama. It means being conservative I will never vote Democrat. Mostly, I do hope everyone of voting age goes out and votes. You have the right and freedom to do so. Do it.

And with that, I suppose since Avery is scatting up and down the stairs with one of my shoes in her mouth, I should probably intervene and rescue my poor shoe!