It is Monday, at least at our house it is and my calendar says it is, and it certainly feels like Monday.
Our weekend was not the weekend we thought it would be, but sometimes you gotta just go with the flow. Friday was a decent school day thankfully(not that we've had a lot of bad ones). We ended up with Culver's for dinner. Wasn't planned, just happened. One of the "go with it" moments of our weekend! Saturday morning we knew we had things that needed to be done. The men got haircuts and picked up dry cleaning(I never made it Friday to pick it up), and I went grocery shopping. I.Do.Not.Like.Walmart.On.Saturday. People seem to lose their sense of EVERYthing on Saturday. I went about my shopping anyway and about half way through on the baking isle, BOOM! A familiar sharp/stabbing pain around my heart. I was NOT amused! For those of you wondering, "what the heck", I have "Mitral Valve Prolapse". I do not like it. I do not want it. But, I have it. Lots of family members seem to have it in my family. It has something or other to do with a flap that does or doesn't do something it should or should not do. I don't know. It at times, causes your heart to skip beats. Mine at times causes it to race, and then there are the times where it hurts. And let me tell you, when it hurts, it HURTS. It stops you in your tracks. It hurts to breathe. But, anyway, it passed and I finished up the shopping with help from Kevin and Jason who came after their errands were done. We then were treated to a fantastic ballgame on CBS. That's right. Auburn was on and beat South Carolina. That's right. Awesome game.
Sunday morning found me awake by 6:00 because the stupid heart flap thing, caught, or does whatever it is that it does and sharp pain woke me up. I was again, NOT amused. We went to church and came home after stopping at Walmart. Again with the Walmart? Really? We did see Jason's Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Brooks there with her son Sam. We talked for quite a while with her and then got the stuff we needed and came home. I tried to rest, but ole flappy would have none of that!
I did manage to make meatloaf for dinner last night and then tried resting, again. Turned out that flappy did NOT care for me being on my left side. After fighting with it forEVER I ended up with insomnia. I mean, really? Seriously?
Today is going to be a very easy school day and Jason has his yearly well child checkup with his doctor. That is about all I believe I care to do today. And here's hoping flappy stops it soon(it always does, sometimes after a day, sometimes takes a week).
I am so sorry you are hurting. And even when you know it is not serious, it is really annoying when it hurts and keeps you from doing what you want to do. Take it easy.