Hello facebook/blogworld/internet peeps!
I have decided that a good bagel and a hot cup of coffee is a FANtastic way to start
a person's Monday, and therefore their week! Thank you Starbucks House Blend and our new perculator for the coffee! I forget which brand bagel at the moment, but to the person/people/whomever that make them, thank you, too!
We had a very quiet weekend around our CO home this weekend. Very quiet indeed. In fact, Saturday I don't recall us even leaving our house! Except for Jason, he played outside with the neighborhood kids all day. Me and my man stayed on the couch most of the day watching football. As I am sure you all know by now, Auburn's winning came to and end Saturday as they fell to the Clemson Tigers. Kudos to Clemson, you guys played a good game! As for our beloved Auburn Tigers, we're still proud of you and continue to see greatness in your future. Special teams, YOU ROCK! Trotter, you're an okay quarterback with a fairly good arm. Offense, you've got potential. Deffense, well, when you decide to play, you're pretty darn good. Problem is, you don't always decide to play! We hope for a decent season and to beat Bama of course. You can do it. We believe in you, War Eagle!
Sunday found us sleeping in really late. REALLY late for us. But, we had an incident Saturday evening when Kevin came to bed. I wasn't feeling well and was already groggy from medicine and went to bed fairly early. I was sleeping when I awoke to our bed falling. That's right. Kevin got into bed and BAM! I jump up. He jumps up. We both stand staring at his side of the bed where it happened. It's a rather long story to describe our giant bed and how it sits, but some of the wood had come apart causing other planks that hold the mattress/box spring, to fall. He thinks he fixed it, and proceeds to get back into bed at which time BAM! again. He jumps up a second time and does various things and assures me it's safe. Um, yeah, honey, are we looking at. The. Same. Bed? I think NOT! So I start turning on all the lights I could find and went about collecting any and everything I could find to which he responds, "what the heck are you doing?" Trying so fix the bed I exclaim. I. Don't. Trust. It! I took quilts and luggage, you name it and started putting it under all the wood in places where it "might" still fall. Once I was happy with my fixing, I happily turned off the lights, got into bed, and went to sleep. Anyhoo, this was all pretty late and messed me up for sure with sleep and I don't know what happened to him. When we woke up it was basically lunch time and half a day GONE. Since obviously breakfast, lunch, and dinner weren't going to happen, not to mention church, we opted for cinnamon rolls. We did salvage the day by running to Staples later in the day for things needed for homeschool. And we got to see and visit with Michael for a little while, so all in all with that and watching football again Sunday afternoon, I "guess" it wasn't such a bad day after all! :)
And speaking of church, it has grown so much they've added a 4th weekend service! For those of you not knowing, it isn't a traditional church as in the ones in the south we're all used to. There is no Sunday School persay. They do a Saturday evening service and were doing two Sunday morning ones, all the exact same service. Their hope is that with different times, people can make it to one. They've now added a 3rd Sunday service, in the evening, 4th total of the weekend. :)
This week is going to find us apple getting/picking and making an apple pie on Wednesday for a school project. How cool, huh? :) Can't wait! Saturday we're heading down to Ft. Carson to a huge air show. Jason has never been to one so he is really excited!
And that folks concludes this week's blog. No recipe. Didn't have time to come up with one I wanted to share this week.
Have a great week everyone!
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