I cannot believe it is already January 2nd, 2014! What the heck happened to 2013? I did not blog much at all in 2013 and definitely would like to change that in 2014. Way back I had mentioned doing a recipe review and share on here and actually did a few times but then eventually it became a regular "let us talk about what has happened" sort of deal. I like the idea of both, and I also know myself so I have decided that one of my goals for 2014(I'm not setting new resolutions, I always do, and I always fail)is to blog once a month, at the end of the month. I want to both journal what we've done that month AND share and critique a recipe(maybe more)I've tried with the men during that month. Once monthly sounds completely doable, once weekly, well, it does not. :)
We didn't venture out of Colorado at all during 2013. We did make it up to Denver once, for the marathon back in October. I'd like to spend a weekend up there a time or two again this year. Maybe take in a game when the Braves come to town. Our plan is most definitely heading to KS to the Auburn game against K-ST. I believe it is the last Saturday in September, but I could get wrong. It's an easy day trip for us, so we'd be heading out on Friday, going to the game Saturday and heading home Sunday, possibly Monday and stopping to visit with some old friends we've known since living in Ipswich, England on Sunday. They live in Nebraska. We have several places we want to visit and we know we can't do them all this year. I suppose we'll just have to make up our minds. A trip to Disney is way, way past due, so that is something we want to do, but we also want to finally take that Christmas vacation up to northern MN. Kevin & I both really want to visit New England in October as well. All of this plus we both want to go to NYC for the Thanksgiving parade one year and wouldn't mind being in Times Square for New Year's Eve one year. While we love Disney, we have been 5 times, and have not done any of the other places so we will most likely choose one of the places we've NOT been. I must say that right now I'm heavily leaning toward the autumn New England trip, but that could change. :)
We never got the house painted during 2013. Yes, we were lazy, and yes, we've decided to spend the extra $1500($800 to do it yourself)to have it professionally done. We are moving a long quite nicely in our plan to move up north within the next two years and having the house painted professionally we feel might very well help in selling. We aren't against renting, but we'd rather sell. We do not have a specific area picked out, we only know in the Denver area. I personally absolutely love Golden, but the house prices are ridiculous!
Football was obviously a wonderful, wonderful thing this season. :) We are so proud of Auburn! After going 3-9 in 2012 I do not believe there is a person on this planet that would have dreamed we'd be sitting at 12-1 and playing in the national championship game on Monday evening. What a magical season. We're not really Broncos fans but we like Peyton Manning, and look at Cam taking the Panthers to the playoffs!
The holiday season came and went and we aren't quite sure what happened. It seems like we put out fall decorations and Halloween came and we went to sleep and woke up and it was Thanksgiving then blinked twice and Christmas was over. Not sure how that happened.
We are looking forward to this year. Happy New Year to all of you!