I can't believe that we are less than 5 weeks away from college football! LESS than 5 weeks folks. How did THAT happen? Wasn't it just Easter. Wasn't it just Valentine's Day? And really, wasn't it JUST Christmas? I'm not complaining mind you, I think we can all agree that I love me some college football. Specifically some SEC football and most specifically, Auburn football. It always seems like it takes forEVER to be September and then with a blink of an eye, it's all over and you're left waiting til the next September. I love all that college football brings. The excitement, and good ole smack talkin'. It's great. I don't take it as seriously as some, and don't really get into the hard core, hateful talk that some get into, but the "we know it's all in good fun and at the end of the day truly is just a game" smack talk. We even enjoy going to Falcon games every year. It's not as big as other college football events, but it's in our town and Air Force is our 2nd favorite team. And this year....this year will be more than a little entertaining with Manning heading up the Broncos. We'll be keeping an eye on that for sure. Not a Broncos fan really, but Peyton is an SEC boy and we always wish SEC players well in the NFL. Even those pesky Bama players. =o)
Avery has certainly changed our daily life. Things we didn't put a lot of thought into, we now have to put said thought into. She is a chewer. We do have a couple of bones for her and even a plastic bone that you can put treats on. But even with that, if she finds something she deems chewable, especially plastic, she claims it as hers and prances off with it. :) She definitely loves her family. She has to be where we are. She will follow me from room to room as I'm cleaning for instance, just to lay down and go back to sleep. I think it is safe to say she has changed our lives for the better. It's amazing how much love you can have for a four legged animal that you never thought you would have.
I had another birthday this month. Funny how it happens every single year without fail. But I don't mind, it means I'm still alive and loving my life. I don't view 47 as old, which is funny since I remember being 27 and thinking it was super old. I don't miss being 27 or 37, I'm loving where I am now at 47. Not that there aren't things I miss from that time of my life, but I wouldn't want to go back. We had lunch at Olive Garden with Michael. Always good food and wine. Birthday cake was excellent. Kevin had the bakery do it in different shades of pink roses for me. Did facetime with Chris, Michelle, Sable and Bailey on Sunday followed by fried catfish and hush puppies. YUM.
Summer for us has been hot and dry. Too hot and too dry. Tired of the daily 90's and ready for some daily 60's. We are coming to an end of our break as we took July off from school. Starting back in August. We'll take the week of Thanksgiving off, the entire month of December, a bit of time around Jason's birthday, then some time off around Easter. Can't believe we're starting 5th grade. Unreal. AND our 4th year homeschooling. The majority of our curriculum is still christian based which we like. We love not having to be careful or cautious about using the word Christmas, or bible, or God. I know some excellent teachers, our kids have had some wonderful ones, but I love the quote, "I've seen the village and I don't want it raising my child." It's a personal choice for us and one we know isn't right for everyone. We respect that.
And finally, just a wee bit on the Chick Fil A issue. 1)I find it absurd that it even IS an issue. 2)Freedom of speech is just that, freedom.of.speech3)Regardless of what political party you affiliate yourself with, you cannot tell someone that believes something other than what you believe, that they can't have that opinion or that they cannot voice it .4)Not everyone believes what YOU believe, get over it. And finally 5) I do know that I have never and do not intend to start now, eating at or not, shopping at or not, or visiting places or not based on their opinion on gay marriage. It is after all, America and they after all, have the right to voice their opinion? Right? Not to mention I happen to LOVE Chick Fil A. Probably the best fast food out there.
July 30, 2012
July 08, 2012
Life lately at our house
It's been a while since I blogged. Partly due to my computer deciding it didn't support something or other or something and partly due to finishing up 4th grade and partly due to the puppy in the picture. :) No doubt we CO Lidh's stay quite busy. At least a good bit of the time.
Our anniversary was incredible. 26 years and counting. We weren't really able to celebrate our 25th with my just having had surgery. Being in pain and still on Vicidin doesn't really scream, "yay, it's our anniversary." Kevin, who just happens to be the world's most romantic husband, ordered a cake from a Lakewood bakery. It got it to look like the top tier of a wedding cake and it.was.delish! Oh my gosh it was so incredibly good.
Michael came and stayed overnight and watched Jason for us. It was nice knowing Jason would be taken care of and that we didn't have to worry about the two of them. We saw "Snow White And The Huntsman" and what a good movie. Not the best movie ever, but it was good. We had a fantastic and very romantic Italian dinner and spent the night in a downtown hotel with views of Pikes Peak. This incredible husband of mine also gave me beautiful roses. I feel so lucky and so blessed to have him. He is my rock and I love him.
We had breakfast at Village Inn before coming home and rescuing Michael. :) We relaxed during the day and went to a Sky Sox game that evening.
We've also celebrated Father's Day since my last blog post. We grilled some mighty tasty bacon wrapped steak and had some roasted, buttered potatoes with it. YUM. Kevin/daddy, also wanted egg custard, so I made one for him.
We also found online through a rescue agency northwest of Denver, a puppy we liked. After going through the adoption process, we now own said puppy. Honestly, we aren't quite sure exactly how old she is or what she is. The vet at the rescue place put her between 7-8 months in late May and tagged her as a Lab. The paperwork we were given at adoption says she is a Lab/Shepherd mix and gives an exact birth date, in September putting her at 10 months. In taking her in this past week for a limp and bringing her home after $89 of puppy Motrin basically for growing pains, this vet also said he puts her around 8 months-ish and both he and his tech said right off, "this dog has Beagle in her", and the vet said and I quote, "I see absolutely no Shepherd in this dog"....hmmmmm, so, what the heck is she and how old is she? Who knows? She points constantly, but we did read where Labs can and do in fact point, not only Pointers, so this could point back to the rescue place thinking she is part Lab. Her name is Avery and she has become a part of our family in the one week we've had her. She has her own little personality for sure.
July 4th we grilled and had a really good day with Michael over and we all went to the Sky Sox game but left because we needed to come let the baby out of her crate. :)
We're pretty sure everyone knows about the devastating and heartbreaking fire in the Springs. We won't go on and on about that. We are so happy to be from a community that is so willing to help each other in times of crisis and are so, so very thankful for the firefighters! God bless them! As of this weekend the fire was 98% contained!
We had a lazy weekend. It has been in the 60's and raining of and off. We don't have a lot of lazy times so it's been nice. Chicken & dumplins last night and beef stew tonight. MMMMmmmmmm.
And now folks I will leave you with this.....55 days til Auburn football! WDE. :)
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